The students of St Benedict's Catholic Primary School have an excellent reputation for valuing and respecting the traditions of the school community. It is essential for the unity of the school that the school uniform, as an external expression of these values and respect, is worn correctly and with pride.
Students not following the school guidelines for dress standards will be sent a note to rectify the situation.
Dress Code
Shirt: Navy, green and white polo with embroidered logo on left chest
Shorts or Skorts: Navy, medium length leg
Hat: Wide brimmed navy blue hat with school emblem
Socks: Short white socks with embroidered school name are preferred (minimum of one pair required to be worn at some whole school events as notified). Short, plain white socks (visible above shoe) may also be worn if needed.
Shoes: Black jogger or leather shoe (all distinguishing colour features to be blacked out)
Shirt: Navy, green and white polo with embroidered logo on left chest
Shorts: Navy, medium length leg (cargo shorts not permitted)
Hat: Wide brimmed navy blue hat with school emblem
Socks: Short white socks with embroidered school name are preferred (minimum of one pair required to be worn at some whole school events as notified). Short, plain white socks (visible above shoe) may also be worn if needed.
Shoes: Black jogger or leather shoe (all distinguishing colour features to be blacked out)
The following items may be worn:
Plain navy zippered jumper with embroidered logo
Plain navy pullover jumper
Plain navy track pants
Navy stockings
Navy skivvy under school shirt
The following items may be worn:
Plain navy zippered jumper with embroidered logo
Plain navy pullover jumper
Plain navy track pants
Navy skivvy under school shirt
Students will be encouraged to wear a plain polo shirt representing their relevant House colour instead of their school sports shirt at inter-house carnivals.
Uniform must be clean, neat and in good order. Damaged uniform items must be replaced.
Only the following jewellery may be worn:
Wrist watch
Small gold or silver cross / religious medallion on a chain
Plain small sleepers or studs. One earring permitted per ear lobe. No other body piercing permitted
Medical alert bracelet or necklace
Only the following jewellery may be worn:
Wrist watch
Small gold or silver cross / religious medallion on a chain
No body piercing permitted
Medical alert bracelet or necklace
Wearable Technology is not permitted at school under any circumstances due to their multiple functions which all pose a safety risk to students:
Connectivity (Wi-Fi networks)
Communication (email, SMS)
Video/image capture
For more information please see the Parent Information Handbook
Hair is to be student’s own natural colour.
Hairstyles that vary in length are not permitted. Therefore undercuts, tracks, rat’s tails, mohawks etc. are not permitted. Other similar cuts/styles require the approval of the principal at time of enrolment or before having a style change.
Hair, when shoulder length or longer, is to be tied back.
All hair accessories are to be navy, green, white, brown or black.
Hair is to be neat and tidy.
If doubt exists with a style of hair, a student or parent should check with the Principal at time of enrolment or before having a style change.
Makeup is not permitted to be worn.
Fingernails should be trimmed to fingertip length. Coloured fingernail polish is not permitted.
On ‘free dress’ days, students must wear appropriate clothing which is not revealing and doesn’t carry inappropriate images or messages.
Sun safe practices must be followed.
Thongs and scuffs are not permitted.
All clothing should be clearly marked with student’s name, but should not be visible whilst being worn.
The Principal retains the right to decide what is acceptable uniform