Bicycle racks are provided for use by students who ride their bicycles to school. Students are required to walk their bicycle to and from the bridge behind the tuckshop and the bicycle racks. Students are encouraged to lock their bike to the bike racks.
Bus operators are responsible for all matters pertaining to bus travel. Inquiries need to be directed to the bus operator in the first instance. Children are expected to abide by the "Code of Conduct" issued by Queensland Transport. *Cars are NOT permitted to use the bus turn-around area.
Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme
The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme assists eligible families with the cost of traveling to school. Student travel rebate applications are open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2. Please visit SchoolTransport.com.au to check if you are eligible.

Parents may set down children of a morning or collect children of an afternoon in the designated "drop and go" zone. Please move along this area as the vehicles in front of you leave. If you park and leave your vehicle or stop to chat with other parents while in this zone, you place the safety of our children at risk!
*Parking is permitted in the designated bays (in the middle of car park and along fence line).