At St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School any concerns or reasonable suspicions about a student’s safety and wellbeing or the behaviour of a staff member or volunteer which a student considers to be inappropriate, will continue to be managed in accordance with Rockhampton Catholic Education Student Protection Processes.
The Student Protection Contacts at St Benedict's are;
Our School Contacts

Mrs Julie McLaughlin

Mrs Helen Langdon
Assistant Principal - RE

Mrs Sharon Upton

Mrs Kelly McKenna

Mr Lachlan Boyle
Further information about Rockhampton Catholic Education’s commitment to Student Protection, click the button below.
Safe School Policy
At St Benedict's we believe everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. Every person has a right to feel safe and a right to learn free from anxiety. Bullying and Harassment are contrary to these beliefs and can have a significant effect on children in many different forms.
BULLYING & HARASSMENT means on-going verbal or physical attacks on another person. It means putting someone else down to make YOU feel better. It might be in a look or action or words. It is not fun or mucking around, it is unacceptable.
Examples of bullying and harassment include:
Hitting or being violent
Threatening or frightening others
Jostling, pushing and spitting on others
Interfering with another’s property by hiding, damaging or destroying it
Using put-downs, belittling others’ poor abilities and achievements
Writing mean or spiteful notes or graffiti about others
Making degrading comments about another’s cultural religious or social background and exclusion from groups on grounds of gender, race, nationality
Making suggestive comments or other forms of sexual abuse
Ridiculing another’s body appearance
Using nicknames or making silly noises
If you are present when bullying happens, you are encouraged to
walk away and inform a teacher as soon as possible.
When does bullying and harassment occur?
Anytime and anywhere
If you are bullied or harassed you can do something about it.
If you are bullying and harassing others –
You must STOP IT!

Here’s what you can do....
Ignore it. Don’t let the harasser know that you are upset. Perhaps it will stop. If this doesn’t work try the following steps.
STEP 1 - Confront them. Tell the person who is harassing you that you do not want them to continue.
If this is not successful….
STEP 2 - Talk to your Class teacher
If this is not successful….
STEP 3 - Report the matter to the Principal.
Remember if ignoring it fails, then keeping it to yourself only makes it worse.
All episodes of bullying and harassment which are reported to the school will be dealt with appropriately. If your child is bullying and harassing others the school will:-
Counsel them
Detain them
Interview them together with the parents.