8:40 AM
School Commences (Morning Bell)

10:45 - 11:25 AM

1:30 - 1:50 PM
Afternoon Tea

3:00 PM
School Finishes
No children are to arrive at school prior to 8:00am
Children arriving at school between 8:00am and 8:15am may move to their classroom area and place bags on the racks. If their teacher is not in the room they are to proceed to the covered area. They must be seated, talking quietly only.
At 8:15am a teacher commences duty to supervise the children in the covered area. The playground is not to be used during this time.
At the 8:40am bell children move to their classroom and wait outside for their teacher. (Assembly is held on Monday and Friday mornings.)
At 3:30pm, any students still waiting for pick-up move to the office.
Please note: Prep classrooms open at 8.30am. Prep students must initially be taken to the Prep classroom by an adult (or older sibling following confirmation with the Principal). Following consultation with the teacher, prep student are able to walk to the prep room themselves.
Students not collected by an adult at their classroom proceed to the covered area to await collection. Students are seated in this area under the supervision of a teacher. Students are not permitted to play during this time.
At 3:30pm any students still waiting move to the office or area outside the staffroom.
Please note: Prep students must be initially collected from the Prep classroom by an adult (or older sibling following confirmation with the Principal).Following consultation with the teacher, prep students are able to walk to the covered area and wait for collection.
Two main assemblies are held each week. The purpose is to enable us to gather as a community to pray, greet, to inform and to celebrate as one.
8.40am (morning bell) in the undercover area. The National Anthem is sung at the conclusion of this gathering. This assembly is led by a member of the leadership team. This assembly is led by Year 6 students and a member of the leadership team.
8.40am in the undercover area. This assembly is hosted each week by Year 6 students and staff. On scheduled Fridays, a class on a roster basis will host special assemblies. Student of the week awards are presented at the conclusion of the assembly along with any relevant notices. Student and staff birthdays are also celebrated at this assembly.
It is a statutory requirement that students attend school on each school day during the year. Parents/guardians are asked to notify the school via a telephone call, email or using our Parent Orbit App whenever their child is absent. If written correspondence is given to the class teacher (on return to school or beforehand if for a planned absence), the note must state the date(s), the reason(s) for the absence(s) and at least one signature is required.
Extended or repeated absence will be reported to the Principal who may require that the reason for absence be supported by a certificate from a medical practitioner. Normally, if no contact is made with the school after 2 days of a child’s absence, the school office will telephone the home.
Appointments in School Time:
At St Benedict's, we take the education of our children very seriously. It would, therefore, be expected that children would not be withdrawn from school for any appointments unless it is absolutely necessary, given the fact that there is ample holiday time for children to visit dentists and other professionals who may be treating them. If a student has an appointment (eg. medical or dental) during school hours, she/he must bring a note from home, explaining the reason for the request. The note will be given to the respective Principal for approval and signature, and then presented to the class teacher out of whose class the student leaves. These procedures allow the whole school administration to account for the presence or absence of a child at all times. This request is one of courtesy. Advance warning also allows the classroom teachers to make adjustments for the teaching of any new work that may be scheduled at that time, if at all possible.