School Board
Queensland School Boards are based on the Pastoral (Service) Model formed from the notion of Shared Wisdom. This Shared Wisdom model follows the call of Vatican II, a Council of the Pope and Bishops of the world, which took place in the 1960's. Vatican II broadened our understanding by helping us to recognise that we are all needed to build and to be Church. We are all equal in the eyes of God and are required to use our gifts and talents in the service of others.
Board Members
Julia Watson
Jessica McLuskie
Sr Kym Harris
Shaun Pobar
Blair McWhinney
Julienne Morrison
John Campbell
Steve Osborne
George Labor
Julie McLaughlin
P&F Association
The Parents & Friends Association (P&F) is an important organisation that provides parents with the opportunity to become involved with the School and its activities. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month and all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Our P&F Association is part of Catholic School Parents Queensland.
The Committee
President Carmen Hunter
Committee Members Suzie Kriedemann
Jo Labor
Cynthia Boulos
Volunteering at St Benedict's
During the year, there are many opportunities for parents to assist with class or school activities. If you would like to volunteer your help please feel free to approach your child's teacher/s. If you have any talents that you would like to share with the school community, please make this known to the staff.
It is a WPHS requirement that all volunteers complete St Benedict’s Volunteer Induction. Please do this via the link below.
It is mandatory that all volunteers other than parents of our school who work with students at St Benedict's have a Suitability Card for 'Working with Children'.
Parents are encouraged to maintain contact with class teachers for the purpose of discussing their children's progress. Teachers should be given sufficient time to prepare for interviews in order to make them as productive as possible. Consideration should be given to minimising disruption to core teaching time by seeking appointments outside class times. Appointments with the teaching staff may be obtained either directly or by contacting the school office.
Accounts, Notices etc are sent home periodically. The eldest child in each family will be given such notices and parents should regularly check that important notices are not left in children's school bags.
At times a return slip or response is required and your immediate response to such requests is greatly appreciated.
Messages, notes, money, etc can be delivered via the "class message bag". The class bags provide "bulk delivery" of messages from the classroom to the office by 9.00am each day.
On Monday afternoons from 3.15pm teaching staff are involved in their weekly meeting.
Please note that teachers are unavailable during this time and are required to attend these gatherings. Thank you for your support in allowing us this important time.
Please note that routine calls to teachers should be restricted to out of class times as teachers will not be called away from their classes to answer the telephone. Messages for children will be taken regarding their transport / collection from school and emergency situations only. These messages must come through the office and not student mobiles. Students do not have access to their mobiles during school hours and for safety reasons the school needs to be aware of changes in arrangements.