St Benedict's Primary School is located in the Central Queensland coastal town of Yeppoon. It is administered through the Rockhampton Diocesan Catholic Education Office and caters for students from the Preparatory Year through to Year Six.
The Capricorn Coast has a proud tradition of Catholic education dating back to 1917. St Benedict's was opened by the Diocesan Catholic Education Office in 2009 in response to an increase in population and demand for Catholic Education on the Coast.
Our school is a part of the Capricorn Coast Parish and through its naming is continues to develop strong links with the Benedictine community. The Benedictine nuns play an active role in the spiritual and wider life of St Benedict's Catholic Primary School.
St Benedict's began with an enrolment of 110 students from Prep to Year 6. The successful commencement of the school is attributed to the close, complimentary relationship enjoyed amongst the staff, students, the parents and parish community.
Our school as a part of the parish endeavours to be involved with parish activities and maintain open lines of communication with the wider parish community. Our Parish Priest, Fr Peter Tonti, plays an active role within the school. A parish representative is also a member of the school board. Our Principal and staff are members of various parish committees ensuring continued communication between both.
St Benedict's is a part of the wider Yeppoon community and is fostering strong links with Sacred Heart, St Ursula's and St Brendan's and all other local schools. Along with these schools, St Benedict's enjoys close ties with local community groups such as St Vincent De Paul and the local RSL.
As a Catholic School, we at St Benedict's strive to witness to the mission of the Catholic Church - to proclaim the Good News. By offering a learning environment that encourages all to work together in a challenging environment, we strive to empower all members of our community. To become reflective and self directed learners who are actively involved in their communities.

St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School is a community of learners inspired by the Benedictine vision.
Together we seek to create a welcoming, respectful community
where all learners feel safe and supported. We want all to be reflective and
self-directed lifelong learners who grow as responsible global citizens living lives of hospitality.
A child leaving St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Yeppoon will have a clear Catholic identity inspired by the Benedictine vision and be a valued member of a faith community.
Education for Sustainable Futures
St Benedict's will strive to educate for a sustainable future.
Key Messages of Education for Sustainable Futures are:
"Education for sustainable development is a life-wide and lifelong endeavour which challenges individuals, institutions and societies to view tomorrow as a day that belongs to us all or it will not belong to anyone," (sourced from Educating for a Sustainable Future).
"Environmental education for sustainability is a concept encompassing a vision of education that seeks to empower people of all ages to assume responsibility for creating a sustainable future," (United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, 2005-2014).